Customer checklist for submitting art to Midwest Graphics
- Please provide the name of the software that was used to create your file
- List all part dimensions
- Convert to line art (curves, paths, outlines) to avoid any font discrepancies
- Send all fonts if you are unable to convert them to line art
- MAC users, please optimize for PC (watch for MAC-only fonts, they will not render properly if at all)
- Specify required colors and their locations – Pantone matching available if specified
- Color and grayscale images should be at least 300ppi at output size
- Preferred file formats are: .eps, .psd, .ai, .pdf
- .bmp, .jpg, .tif, and .png files are also acceptable
- All files will be pre-flighted by our art department to determine the suitability
Midwest Graphics PC Software
Adobe Creative Cloud
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- InDesign